
2023 International Scholarship Grants at Dartmouth College, United States – Fully Funded

Application Closes: Varies


What exciting news! Do you know that Dartmouth College provides numerous financial aid opportunities to international students? This aid can take the form of either a scholarship or a loan, and it may cover expenses like flights and accommodation to the United States.

Dartmouth’s “need-blind” admissions policy, which was first only for American students, will now be used for all international students starting with the Class of 2026.

Dartmouth provides need-based grants and scholarships to all outstanding international students. To ensure that you and your family can take advantage of this incredible education, the organization will work tirelessly to keep costs down. You may qualify for a wide variety of different forms of assistance.




Dartmouth Scholarships are need-based and are given without the expectation of repayment. Amounts may range from $1,000 to over $70,000, depending on your expected family contribution. You will automatically be considered for these funds when you apply for aid.


Numerous students from Dartmouth college will be paired to one or more of our over 950 endowed scholarship funds. These scholarships do not constitute new financial assistance but rather designate that existing grants will be funded by a particular endowment. There is no need for a separate application for any opportunity, but all aid beneficiaries are asked to fill out a survey to help with these pairings. If a student doesn’t want to actively engage, they can choose to opt-out.

Oftentimes, the students who receive these scholarships are required to thank the donor each year and respond to a few additional questions about their time at Dartmouth. Many people get to meet their donors, which can open up fantastic networking possibilities. Donors can better understand the tangible effect of their gifts on Dartmouth’s financial aid program and student body when they have a personal connection to one or more individual students.


Scholarships offered by organisations outside of your school (for any reason, such as academic, civic, or athletic excellence) can be a great help in covering the high cost of higher education.

You can use these funds to replace or reduce the employment and loan portions of your award at Dartmouth. Your Student Contribution may be reduced or eliminated entirely by outside scholarships if your award specifies a leave-term earnings expectation. If a student’s expected family contribution (EFC) at Dartmouth is higher than their expected family contribution (EFC) as calculated by the FAFSA, then the student may use outside aid to bring their EFC at Dartmouth down to the federal level. Although it is extremely unusual, there are situations in which a student’s outside resources are so substantial that Dartmouth must reduce the amount of their scholarship award to bring it in line with federal and institutional awarding guidelines.


Dartmouth College regards veterans’ benefits as outside scholarships that you have earned and will be used to lower the cost of study at the institution See the Veterans section for more information.


For U.S. citizens or permanent residents, the Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA) is the only form required to apply for Federal Financial Aid.

The federal government provides Pell Grants to students who qualify on the basis of financial need as determined by their Free Application for Federal Student Aid (FAFSA).

Federal Supplemental Educational Opportunity Grants (FSEOG) are awarded by the College to the most needy students. They vary in amount but do not exceed $4,000 a year.


Dartmouth College accepts need-based grants from a number of different states. Your Dartmouth scholarship will be reduced by the same amount that you receive in state grants. However, state grants are not deducted from your total grant eligibility until they are received from the state. Contact the Financial Aid Office for the most recent information about your state’s grant program.


ROTC Scholarships are offered to outstanding students on a competitive basis. Additional information about the Dartmouth College ROTC program is available on the Army Scholarships page.

Learn more about this opportunity here

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